Friday 11 September 2015

The Growing Popularity of Wholesale Hookah Distributors

Prestige Bubbles
Smoking shisha or hookah has become a popular trend in recent times, especially amongst youngsters. This rapidly increasing popularity has prompted many companies to become wholesale hookah distributors. There is host of options present in the market for smoke enthusiasts in terms of hookah brand.Various wholesale hookah distributors that deal in the manufacturing of modern day hookahs make them in assembly lines with the help of contemporary techniques whereas the conventional hookahs are still made by hand. The general difference between modern and traditional hookah is the design, construction, styling and performance.

Usually modern day shisha is built with materials that are light in weight. This implies that weld lines are well concealed. Most often they are constituted by threaded parts screwed together. These parts can be easily unassembled and can be carried easily which makes modern hookahs portable and convenient to use.Traditional hookahs vary in different aspects from their contemporary versions. Customary hookahs are bit bulkier and weigh much more that the modern ones as they are made of heavier materials. Metals such as copper, steel and brass are mostly used to make these hookahs. The wholesale hookah distributors deal in the distribution of both types of hookahs. Their supply depends upon the demand. Although youth has embraced the modern form of hookah, there are hardcore shisha fans that prefer the older version of the same.

The best hookah brands that sell traditional hookahs utilize brass around crucial points in a shisha like the hose port. This is to lend strength and stability to these points. The weld points are noticeable on customary shishas which gives it an unfinished sort of appearance. Hardcore hookah lovers don’t mind this as for them the traditional hookah is a manifestation of class. With its old world charm which is reminiscent of the days gone by, the popularity of this type of hookahs remains intact.

Traditional shisha manufacturers have been in this business for many generations. They have been incessantly whetting their skills and adapting with the changing trends. They vouch for the older variety of hookahs and rave about their performance. These hookahs smoke much better than their modern day counterparts. Customary hookahs are typified by a single central tube that runs the entire length of the stem. Wider gauge tubing is deployed in these hookahs.To find the best hookah for yourself, you need to do a bit of research and even contact wholesale hookah distributors that will not only provide you hookahs at reasonable prices but also guide in the selection of the ideal shisha. 

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